2024 Year-in-Review

2024 was our first full year as a church! It was a year of gaining new friends, deepening community bonds, and starting new ministries, like ImagoYouth!

Our annual Christmas party was a wonderful time of food, laughter, and just enjoying each other.

We launched a new ministry, ImagoYouth, for the youth kids of the church. It’s been wonderful seeing their friendships gel.

We had several baptisms. Praise God!

We gained new friends and families!

We had an impromptu wedding. Congrats Will and Steph!

Our AV team continues to make improvements!

The kids love hanging out together after service

Our faithful worship music team

Our Sunday setup team

One of our dear friends and frequent guest preacher, Scott, and his wife Eleanor.

We are filled with wonder and gratitude for God’s faithfulness to our church in 2024 and look forward to all that He has in store for us in the New Year!


Reflections on the LA fires


Mini-book review: The Trinity